It’s National Volunteer Week!

The Heart of Hospice
Happy Volunteer Week! We would like to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated volunteers! We are honored that you share your time and talents with us; you are a special part of the compassionate care our team provides patients and families. During National Volunteer Week we celebrate the men and women who provide support and companionship to patients and families facing life-limiting illness. Hospice of the North Country is fortunate to have more than forty dedicated volunteers who provide approximately more than 3,000 hours a year to help us care for patients and families living in Clinton and Franklin counties. Hospice volunteers often serve patients and families in the home but they also assist in the office, help raise awareness, and provide fundraising support and more. Are you interested in learning more about hospice or volunteer opportunities? Please call 518.561.8465 or 518.483.3200. 


Davio Memorial Golf Tournament Sponsors—Thank you!


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