Shuffleboard Tournament Donation

Hospice of the North Country is grateful to the Howe family and the organizers of the 8th annual Gary Howe Shuffleboard Tournament. The tournament, held at The Jug in North Lawrence, included a bottle drive, 50/50, and silent auction. Kevin Howe and Chrissy White visited the nonprofit’s office in Malone to present a $5,762 check. “Our loved ones have been under hospice care and that’s what inspires us to keep going year after year,” said White. “We are honored that the Howe family continues to support our organization,” said Lamitie. “We thank everyone who participated and contributed.” Pictured: Chrissy White, Cathlyn Lamitie, HONC Director of Development, Kevin Howe



Davio Golf Sponsors


Hospice of the North Country Named as Prestigious 2022 Hospice Honors Elite Recipient